Escape Artists

Meet our chaos canines, Marley and Bettie

Bettie and Marley are our Great Danes. They both came to us through rescues and keep us entertained, on our toes, and full of love (and slobber). Today’s escapades involved the neighbors and escape. I received a call from one of the neighbors to tell me Bettie was outside the fence. She is four and a total brute and loves loves to get out. So I chased her all over the neighborhood and met a few neighbors (in their garages 😯), and finally drug her home. We got home and walked the perimeter of the fence to see why she had gotten out! So I fixed a spot I thought she had wiggled through.

We have a lovely supper and then comes a knock at the door! Here is another neighbor with Bettie in tow, and she says Marley is out too. Here he comes around the corner, la di da, he had followed his naughty big sister out. So we go BACK and walk the perimeter of the fence again and find another broken board. In Minnesota, this makes us say Uff Da! Thank you to our neighbors for all of their help! Check out the video to see our terrible fence fixes! Welcome to our chaos.

Fence fixes

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