Epic Road Trip! Minnesota to Yellowstone!

Hitting the road on the way to Yellowstone!

The Chaos Caravan hit the road to travel from Minnesota out to Yellowstone National Park for our Epic Roadtrip 2020! We like to see things along the way when we can make the time, so we have a few stops along the way there and back to share with you! We left right from soccer and then stopped in Fargo to stay with my brother on the way. The van was ALL loaded up as we left soccer and I may have hit the open the back door button instead of the side doors… the gas lantern fell out and cracked the glass so you can see in the video how everyone felt about that! (Let it go, already! :))

Road Trip- Fargo to Medora, ND

If you ever find yourself in North Dakota looking for things to do, you can stop by Lake Ashtabula, see the Hi-line Railroad Bridge in Valley City, visit the Giant Buffalo Statue in Jamestown, take a selfie with the Giant Sandhill Crane in Steele, take in the sights by the Missouri River in Bismarck, check out the view with Salem Sue in Salem and you can take a drive down the Enchanted Highway by Lefor (east of Dickinson). Check out the video for snippets from our drive on the way to Medora. We pulled over just east of Medora at the Painted Canyon exit off of I-94 to check out the views! The Badlands of North Dakota are stunning. If you are just driving by, this is a great snapshot of the Badlands that you can see for free!

We set up our tent at the Medora Campground. The Little Missouri River flowed right next to the campground and there was a walking trail down to the river. The views of the hills are beautiful and on our way back, a mule deer was standing right next to the path! She didn’t seem bothered by us at all!

Check out our next post to join us on our next stop: Theodore Roosevelt National Park!

We decided to do this trip partly because of the Every Kid Outdoors Program. If you have a 4th grader, your family gets in to the National Parks for FREE! We were able to visit Theodore National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and Devils Tower on this trip and took advantage of the pass!

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